Following the adaptation of the AOC certificate profiles on 05/09/2018 to the eiDAS regulations, both the T-CAT card certificates and the T-CAT Pseudonym certificates include two certificates:

  • T-CAT (Signature) “SIG”
  • T-CAT (Authentication) “AUT”

The signature will allow the signature to be made in all those applications that are necessary.

The authentication one will allow you to authenticate for all those procedures you need to consult.

When doing a procedure with a T-CAT, it is possible that certain applications show you both certificates and you have to select the correct one (AUT if you are identifying yourself and SIG if you are signing) . Currently, many applications already show you directly the certificate corresponding to the specific moment of the process, but if this is not the case, you must choose the appropriate certificate in each case to avoid technical errors.

This is the information that will be displayed for each of the certificates:

  • T-CAT (Signature) : Name and two surnames according to identity document (DNI / Passport) + "- DNI" + NIF of the public employee + "(SIG)"
  • T-CAT (Authentication) : Name and two surnames according to identity document (DNI / Passport) + "- DNI" + NIF of the public employee + "(AUT)"

You can watch this video if you have doubts about it:

example video to differentiate Signature from Authentication

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