EACAT Service Permissions

In order to be able to view the consignment we have sent you from AOC, it is necessary to have the "Consultation of the consignment" role of the "Transmission of information, writings and documents" service.

To be able to manage the procedures related to the reimbursement of the amounts , you must have the role "Access to the service" of "AOC - Refund of undue income for revocation of T-CAT on the card".

Due to a change in crypto chip qualification, T-CAT cards issued before April 13, 2023 will no longer be considered qualified certificates as of October 2023.

For this reason, and as it has been reported since November 2022 through different channels (Transmissions from EACAT to the organizations requesting certificates, AOC Blog, social networks, Registration Entities T-CAT, County Councils.. .), all affected T-CAT cards were revoked.

The AOC also informed that it will refund the corresponding amounts, taking into account the unfulfilled 4-year validity of the cards.

Below you will find answers to questions that may arise related to reimbursement and the steps to follow:

Which certificates are affected by the revocation?

Only qualified card certificates issued between October 1, 2019 and April 12, 2023 are affected .

In other words, the T-CAT that are revoked and subject to reimbursement are the following:

  • T-CAT of Public Employee
  • T-CAT of Public Worker
  • T-CAT of Representative
  • T-CAT of Pseudonym

The T-CAT cards issued from 13 April 2023 already have the new cryptographic chip. Therefore, they were not revoked.

What about TCAT-P and operator certificates?

These certificates are not affected by the cryptographic chip change and have not been revoked. Therefore, they can be used normally. However, new carrier T-CAT are issued with the new chip.

Do we have to keep the refund cards?

No, they should not be kept.

What amount will be refunded?

The part corresponding to the difference between the theoretical validity time (4 years, on the date of issue of each of the T-CAT) and what it will actually have on October 1, 2023, based on the public price in force at the time of issue

Late payment interest and VAT are included.

It is not a full refund of the price paid because the T-CAT was able to be used before the revocation due to change of technology of the certificate.

Steps to follow (Processing through EACAT)

To be able to do the processing, a service has been created in EACAT called "AOC - Return of income for revocation of T-CAT on card".

From this service you can:

  • Respond to the request for information (IBAN number) and/or make allegations.
  • Waiver of your right
  • Request information about the file

AOC has sent you a wire from EACAT to notify you of the start of the case and the amount that will be returned to you. The IBAN number of your institution and a certificate of ownership of the bank account are requested in the same shipment. To view this transmission, it is necessary to have the "Consultation of the transmission" role of the "Transmission of information, writings and documents" service.

Then you need to follow the following steps:

Important: To be able to manage the procedures related to the reimbursement of the amounts , you must have the role "Access to the service" of "AOC - Refund of undue income for revocation of T-CAT on card".

1. Search for the specific service of EACAT "AOC - Return of undue income for revocation of T-CAT on card". It is important that you use the service procedures in order for AOC to make the appropriate refunds.

2. Provide the IBAN number and attach the certificate of ownership of the bank account , using the "Response to the request for documentation and allegations" form. With this form you can also allege what you consider appropriate.

If you prefer, you can also waive your right , using the specific "Waiver" form of the EACAT service.

You can also request information about the file , if you consider it necessary, through the procedure "Question of the file". The AOC will send you the information from the same service.

We haven't received a shipment, what should I do?

If you had T-CAT cards issued between October 1, 2019 and April 12, 2023, which were revoked due to the crypto chip change, you can make claims. It is important that you do this from the specific form "Response to the request for documentation and allegations" that you will find in the service of EACAT AOC - Return of undue income for revocation of T-CAT on the card. You have information about the processing in the drop-down above.

How will the return be made?

When the file has been processed, the AOC will make a payment to your current account.

You will need to have previously provided the IBAN number of your institution and a certificate of ownership of the bank account through the EACAT service.

Other doubts

If you haven't found the answer to your question, contact the AOC Support Team .