Remember! From October 2023 T-CAT cards issued before 04/13/2023 lost the status of qualified certificates and were revoked . For more information you can consult Change in cards T-CAT. Contact the Digital Certification Service Manager if your T-CAT has not yet been renewed for one of the new ones so that he can make the request.

If you still have a card with this software (Only operator T-CAT) and need to recover or change the PIN, here's how to do it:

PIN and PUK codes of the T-CAT certificate

GETTING IT: When your service manager completes the delivery of your T-CAT, you will receive an email with the PIN and PUK codes. We recommend changing the initial PIN to one of your choice. Remember that it must be a code that you can easily remember and that you do not indicate it to anyone.

RECOVERY: In case of forgetting or loss, in order to recover the original PIN and PUK codes associated with your certificate, follow the steps in the FAQ "How can I recover the PIN / PUK of the T-CAT?" which you will find in this same section.

BLOCKING: If you have blocked the PIN code of the certificate (after entering three wrong attempts), it will be necessary to unblock it, with the PUK following the steps in the FAQ "How to unblock the PIN of the T-CAT?" which you will find in this same section. In case you don't remember or can't find the PUK of the current certificate, you can do the recovery by following the steps in the FAQ "How can I recover the PIN / PUK of the T-CAT?" which you will find in this same section.

If the PUK is blocked (after entering three incorrect attempts) you must contact the service manager of the entity to process the revocation and reissuance of the digital certificate.

How can I get the PIN and PUK codes of the T-CAT?

When your service manager completes the delivery of your T-CAT, you will receive an email with the PIN and PUK codes.

Once you have them, we recommend changing the initial PIN and PUK codes to ones of your choice. It is best to use a code that is secure enough but that you already use in other applications or devices (for example your credit card) in order to avoid forgetting it. These codes do not leave the T-CAT and are not communicated to anyone, not even to us.

Related Content:

  • FAQ "Change the PIN and PUK of the T-CAT?" which you will find in this same section.
Change the PIN and PUK of the T-CAT to Safesign

It is recommended to change only the initial PIN to one of your choice. Remember that it must be a code that you can easily remember and that you do not indicate it to anyone.

In order to change the PIN and PUK codes, follow the steps below.

  1. - Enter the T-CAT in the reader.
  2. - Access Windows Start - All programs - Safesign Standard
  3. - Within the folder, access the Token Manager, or Token Administration or Token Manager (depending on the installed software version).


From the TOKEN or Testimony option of the application, you must press the change PIN menu entry


The following screen will appear


If the PIN is changed successfully, a message appears indicating this.



The following screen will appear


If the PUK is changed successfully, a message appears indicating this.

Related Content: T-CAT Installation Software

How to unlock the PIN of the T-CAT in Safesign

If an incorrect PIN code has been entered three times when using the TCAT, it is blocked and if it is used again, a message appears indicating that the Token is blocked.

In these cases, if you have the PUK code, you must follow the following steps:

– Enter the TCAT in the reader.

– Access “Windows Start” by searching for “token” or “witness” (in Windows 10) or by searching in “All programs” folder “Catcert” or “Safesign Standard” (in Windows7)”

– Within the folder, access the Token Manager, or Token Administration or Token Manager (depending on the installed software version).

– From the TOKEN or Testimony option of the application, you must press the Unlock NIP menu entry:

· Enter the PUK code

· Enter a new PIN

· Confirm the new PIN

· Click on the "OK" button

If the PIN is successfully unlocked, a message indicating this appears and TCAT can be used again.

Important: If an incorrect PUK code is entered three times in a row, this will also be blocked and it will be necessary to manage the revocation and reissuance of the certificate included in the T-CAT.

How can I recover the PIN / PUK of the T-CAT?

Access the link provided for the recovery of the PIN and the PUK and you will be able to indicate the data requested by the system.


If you have more than one card, the following screen will appear, so you can choose which one you want to retrieve the PIN and PUK from.


Once done, you will receive an email with the original PIN and PUK codes.

IMPORTANT : Keep in mind that if you change the PIN, the one sent will no longer be useful. Therefore, to be able to use the certificate you can explicitly block it (after entering three wrong attempts). To do this, if you have the current PUK, follow the steps in the section How to unlock the PIN of the T-CAT? of this FAQ.

Once done, you can set a new PIN.

However, if you change the PUK and do not remember the current one, you will have to request the revocation of the certificate from the service manager of the national authority.

NOTE: The PIN and PUK of the ER idCAT operator certificates can be retrieved through the following link: I can't remember the PIN/PUK of my operator certificate idCAT