What are AOC test certificates?

These are certificates from the AOC catalog that AOC provides for testing applications and portals in development. They can be from the production or pre-production environment.

Pre-production and production test certificates

Production test certificates are certificates for testing in the production environment and are certified with generic data, and are sent to the user within a maximum period of 2 business days once they have the application duly completed and digitally signed.

These certificates have no cost to the user except that they require cryptographic cards since these have an additional cost (see Service Fee ).

The public keys for this environment are those published on the AOC Consortium website.

Pre-production test certificates are certificates for testing in a pre-production environment and are customizable, that is, users request them with the data they want to appear on them (name, surname, email, url, etc. as desired). Their delivery time is the same as the real certificates, that is, about 16 days from the delivery of the correctly completed documentation and they have a cost of Service Fee). ( see Service Fee )

These test certificates require specific public keys from the pre-production environment, which will be delivered along with the certificates.

Regarding the payment method for the test certificates, an invoice is sent to the address indicated in the application and by bank transfer.

Who can apply for them?

These certificates can be received by all public and private administrations and companies that develop a project directly related to electronic signatures. The applicant can be any representative of the organization or any developer.

How are they applied for?

The corresponding form must be sent, conveniently completed and signed electronically through the T-CAT contact form.

How are they delivered?

In the case of production certificates, they are delivered by email, except in the case of a card being requested, in which case this will be delivered by post. In the case of pre-production certificates, they are delivered by post and the pre-production public keys by email.

How to cancel them (pre-certificates)?

To cancel digital test certificates, you must request their revocation. You must send the corresponding form, properly completed and signed electronically through the T-CAT contact form .