T-CAT (Card): is a personal digital certificate on physical support (secure signature creation device) for workers in the public administrations of Catalonia. It includes qualified electronic certificates that guarantee your identity as a public worker. It allows you to generate the type of qualified electronic signature , included in Law 6/2020, of November 11, regulating certain aspects of trusted electronic services.

T-CAT P (Software): is a personal digital certificate in software support for workers in the public administrations of Catalonia. It allows generating advanced signatures, since it is delivered in software , without a secure signature creation device; so it can be installed on different media: computers, mobile phones, tablets, etc.

Feature T-CAT P T-CAT
Support Software Card
Signature type Advanced signature (level 3) Qualified electronic signature (level 4)
Possibility of use on tablets and mobile devices Yes No, only on computers.
Possibility to report the charge Yes Yes
Mobility Flexible, available on any device Limited, requires card reader
Installation Only the certificate is installed. The reader and card software must be installed and updated.

Check the required security level for each procedure . The T-CAT P will be useful for most administrative procedures.