Follow the following steps:
1. Access EACAT > Procedures > Lender Consorci AOC > Digital certification service > T-CAT: Request and renewal of application certificates. Device certificate requester must access EACAT and identify themselves with digital certificate.
Note: A user with the editor role can also access and leave the request ready to be signed by the Device Certificate Requester.
2. Complete the application In the "Initial information" tab and indicate:
- The type of certificate to request; middle level seal
- The priority of the request; ordinary or urgent (implies differences in rates and delivery time: 16 working days for ordinary requests and 4 working days for urgent ones).
3. In the "Application details" tab, you must indicate the desired "Use of the certificate" (in field 11):
Use of the certificate | Characteristics |
Transferred exclusively for use of AOC services |
Exclusively given for use of own tools |
Own direct use (no transfer option to the AOC) |
Note: this fact implies that the us will not be able to download the mid-level stamp certificate from the subscriber's Folder because the AOC Consortium will be in charge of doing so. The entity can only download the public part of the certificate from the subscriber folder.
4. Once all the data has been filled in, you will need to send the request for signature using the "Send to sign" button.
5. Sign the conditions of the certificate request. The user with the role of applicant for device certificates will be able to sign the submission from EACAT/My procedures/To sign, by pressing the "Sign" button. The request will be registered in EACAT and in the hands of the Registration entity it will have to carry out its generation.
Important: in the case of Via Oberta services that require a certificate (AEAT), you must follow the steps in the following FAQ: How to renew a Seal certificate to use AEAT services and use the EACAT remittance > section "Procedures" > "Registration of services Via Oberta" > lender Consorci AOC > Request for CAOC services