The subscriber's folder is the space that the AOC Consortium makes available to users of its certification services so that, in a quick and convenient way, they can access the main operations related to these.
For holders of the T-CAT (free access) | For Service Managers (access with T-CAT on card) | For operators of Registration Entity T-CAT (access with Operator Certificate T-CAT) |
Installation of the T-CAT in this section you will find information on how to configure your equipment to use the T-CAT | the EACAT is the only valid channel to request the issuance and management of the life cycle of the T-CAT certificates . More information: | Certificate issuance application from this link the different roles (responsible, petitioner, approver, etc.) of an ER T-CAT will be able to perform their functions) |
Recovery of PIN and PUK codes from here you can recover the PIN and PUK codes of your card, but only if it is the new T-CAT . More information: | Delivery and management of certificates from this application you must confirm the receipt of the T-CAT cards and record their delivery to the respective holders after signing the associated documentation, as well as finalize the generation of the device certificates through their delivery and download. | for Registry Entity Operators T-CAT Note : It is recommended to access it with Google Chrome and Edge |
For more information you can consult the Subscriber Folder Manual .
Additional information:
Note: on January 8, 2010, the resolution was published in the DOGC number 5541 in which the EACAT was established as the sole channel for receiving and sending the documentation related to the life cycle of the digital certificates that the AOC issues in the Catalan public administrations.