From the main page go to “Pending delivery”

Select pending delivery

The certificates that the Service Manager has pending delivery will be shown below.


To find the certificate you want to download, you can search with the tool on the right or by expanding the requests shown per page. The order in which the certificates appear in the list can be chosen, date of issue, type of certificate, holder...

Important : The application will only give the option to download the certificate once the delivery slip has been printed. When the delivery sheet is downloaded, the download icon appears in blue.

To download the certificate, the Service Manager must click the download icon on the right in the Actions column.

Example of certificates pending delivery

Important: Once the certificate has been downloaded, it will not be possible to download it again.

Select the download icon

To download the certificate, click on "Send email and download".

The application asks for the operator's signature. The certificate is selected and the PIN is entered, and Accept is clicked. This is when the certificate is generated.

It is very important to follow the instructions that appear on the screen (image below) and to " SAVE " at the time of the download . When saving the certificate will be saved in p.12 format in the folder defined by the downloads on the computer of the user following the process. To find it later in the Subscriber Folder, you will need to search for it under "delivered".

Confirmation of certificate generation

Find them delivered