The roles of the Digital Certification Service cannot be assigned by the EACAT user manager as in the case of the vast majority of services on the same platform. If an employee of the organization needs to have one of the service's roles to request, renew or revoke digital certificates, they must send us the updated Subscriber File, with the user data they must have permissions and the necessary roles will be added from the AOC Consortium.

NOTE : The subscriber file must be downloaded from EACAT>procedures>lender "Consorci AOC">Digital Certification Service>subscriber file

The duly completed and signed form must be sent from EACAT> Procedures> Lender “Consortium AOC” > Digital certification service > submit Subscriber form (EACAT) . The person sending this document must have the role "Signador of the Subscriber File" of the Digital Certification Service (this role can be added by the user manager of EACAT).

Once the roles have been managed, the Service Manager indicated on the same Subscriber File will receive a communication by email.

It is important to note that:

  • The people indicated on the form must have a user created in EACAT , prior to sending the form , because otherwise, the AOC Consortium will not be able to assign permissions. At a minimum, these individuals and their alternates must also hold a personal T-CAT certificate (CPISR-1 or CPISRC-1).
  • As indicated in section 2. Personnel data, the roles of Applicant and certifier are incompatible.
  • There must be a minimum of two people for each role , but there can be as many people as desired in order to guarantee the continuity of the service.

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